Making money as a JavaScript developer is often based on how long you have been working as a developer. People who have been working as developers for a while usually javascript developer salary make more money than people who are just starting out. According to the service, the average JavaScript programmer salary in the US stands at $78,456 per year.

javascript developer salary

VanillaJS developer salaries are almost the same as other JavaScript technologies like Vue, Node and ReactJS. VueJS developers earn a little lower at about $89k/yr and NodeJS developers a little higher at about $99k/yr. Many people begin as frontend web developers and eventually transition into full-stack developers which is a combination of both frontends as well as backend. Full Stack development is useful in big corporations as well as small startups for understanding the work of design and development and avoiding the same work to be done again. As you see, the world is changing quickly, and the need is to adapt or die.

TypeScript Developer Salary in the United States 🇺🇸

Earning just under £60,000 in an expensive city like London could provide a lower standard of living than earning €38,000 in a more reasonable city such as Rome. The JavaScript developer tests and executes web enhancements resulting in improved user experiences, increased rankings, and overall improvements to GCU web properties. Works collaboratively with the marketing team project lead on the implementation of web marketing plans which support GCU’s total marketing strategy. Our career-change programs are designed to take you from beginner to pro in your tech career—with personalized support every step of the way.

javascript developer salary

In the US, the average fullstack JavaScript developer salary is $114k/yr. To gain a better overview of what a career as a JavaScript developer entails, let’s consider some real-world job descriptions. One possible career path is JavaScript development—a highly sought-after area of expertise! In this guide, we’ll look at how much you could earn as a JavaScript developer. There are many different routes you can take within web development, and your earning potential depends on a variety of factors. This requires a niche of programmers with a good understanding of Git, CSS Libraries etc.

Average Total Hourly Cash Compensation

Even Tanay Pratap, SDE-2 at Microsoft, urges his followers to practice JavaScript giving direct insights from the industry. Seeing the enormous rise and necessity of apps and websites, companies are competing with each other to hire the best talent and give the best in the market salary. An entry-level JavaScript developer can earn up to $73k (or €56k) a year, whereas a senior JavaScript salary starts at $128k (or €98k) per annum. Yet, although you can hardly find a place in the world without JavаScript developers, every country has not only different JavaScript job salaries, but also different mixes of tools and frameworks. Average salaries presented by Indeed are higher than those on Glassdoor.

javascript developer salary

There has been a sudden and enormous rise in web development since users shifted from PCs to smartphones. The value of design responsiveness increased exponentially when sites that were formerly viewed on desktops could now be accessed from compact gadgets. Only a great JavaScript developer will be able to make such adjustments to the display change functionality. Also, Javascript has become one of the important parts of the developer’s world. As the developers utilize this to integrate more interactiveness and complexity into their website.

JavaScript Developer (Entry Level) – US/Canada

JavaScript is supported by all modern web browsers and employed by the majority of websites. No wonder that according to Stack Overflow’s 2019 report, JavaScript remains the most commonly used programming language for the sixth year in a row. You had better believe that this massive popularity affects an average JavaScript developer salary.

What’s perhaps a little surprising that they stand to earn more in Los Angeles and Boston than in New York and San Francisco, which typically command higher tech wages. Examining how much programmers fluent in JS can expect to earn on a city-by-city basis can give you a more accurate picture. So with that, let’s take a look in a selection of major cities on both sides of the Atlantic, using salary data from Glassdoor.

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Continue reading to get more information on how much developers can earn. Taking into account the fact that the USA is the third-largest country in the world, salaries there vary depending on the state. For example, an average JavaScript developer’s salary in NYC is around $126,750 a year, while a Kansan JS developer may earn about $90k a year. The median JavaScript developer salary in the United States is $109,921 per year or $56 per hour in 2022. For example, if you live in a expensive city, you will likely earn a higher salary than someone who lives in a less expensive city.

Ultimately, if you want to be a top-quality JavaScript Developer, you should be ready to add a fast-paced environment and implement complex design specifications. There are various advantages to having a website and that is why organizations are investing in building a robust website. Also, the website allows businesses to represent their motto, their products, and services.

Javascript Developers Job Roles

A quick search on LinkedIn returns over 36,000 JavaScript developer jobs in the United States alone at the moment. So, now that you know that it’s in demand, let’s look at the role some more. Before we examine that all-important salary data, we’ll first explore the job title in more detail. We’ll also look at whether JavaScript developers are currently in high demand.

  • There scope of growth is not limited to one or two options rather they have the privielge of choosing their own path and to take over their careers.
  • Network queries to a backend server have no impact on JavaScript until external resources are requested.
  • HTML is a semantic language controlling the information being displayed on the website.
  • The trend in the JavaScript salary data by location is similar to all other technologies that we’ve reviewed.

Also, the front-end dvveelopers make sure to kee p the applications secure and integrate the quick-reaction features, they include powerful features and focus on real-time programming. All the tech-savvy who are betting on a career as a Java developer could be a bit skeptical about their salary as a fresher, backend, front end, or full stack developer. There are all valid questions that need to be solved with due diligence to make a correct choice. So this whole scenario creates chaos in the mind of a Java developer.

Browse jobs by skill

From a point of view on the current job market, there is a high demand for React and Angular developers which may result in much higher Angular developer salaries, as well as React developer salaries. Let’s find out what Angular.js, Vue.js, and React.js developer salaries are. Such developers make software solutions easy to use and code them to be visually appealing.

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